Busy busy busy

This is the start of my very busy next few week.  Here is a recap.

Last weekend with the kids went fine.  Hubby’s birthday was fun.  Good time had by all.

Tuesday I did the Junior Achievement bowl a thon.  Man, I suck at bowling. I bowled a 60 and struggled for that!  But it was fun. 

Thursday was Anna vet appointment.  She has Doberman Hepatitis.  This is a building of copper in the liver.  They have only known about it since the 1980’s and it was found by accident.  She is not sick (she is subclinical) and with vitamins we should be able to keep it from progressing any further.  She is 9 1/2 and the vet thinks she has a few more healthy years left.  They are going to schedule her for a liver biopsy next week to confirm and assess the damage.  The outlook is pretty good and it could have been much worse. 

Today I get my eyes checked and hopefully new glasses.  I need a fresh new look.

The step kids are coming this week (regularaly scheduled weekend) so it will be go go go again.  I really would like to rest rest and rest. 

Next week is busy busy busy again.  My alumni function is in full swing now and only 3 weeks away.  Geez what if no one shows up!!  What am I going to wear?