Nothing personal

I know I have been slow about posting – please forgive it is nothing personal.

Friday I picked up my car from the body shop and it was clean happy and fixed.  YEA!

Worked on the Habitat for Humanity house all day Saturday and I was wiped out.  Remembered to move clocks up 1 hour Saturday night. 

Had lunch with the in-laws on Sunday (good thing I came from church).  They irk me but I deal with them – they could be worse. Put the house back in order on Sunday.

Monday was back to the ole grind stone at work.  Things are still quiet and I am sure there will be more cuts just don’t know when.  Looks like the hostile take over has been diverted which is a good thing. Took the dog for a walk after work – those are good for both of us!

Going to a Mary Kay party tonight.  I would rather not but it is a courtesy obligation so I will.  Hubby gets to go to a Pred’s hockey game tonight. 

SKs are scheduled here this weekend and I really want to take myself shopping.  We will see what kind of mood I am in on Saturday.

Found out today that Southwest Airlines no longer flies from Nashville to Tulsa.  Now, how does Southwest expect me to get home?  This puts a major kink in my little world. 

Hubby’s work is still the same and no extra hours. 

I have been busy working on the alumni stuff and should have more of it done by tomorrow.  Why are people slow about calling me back – that drives me bananas!!

I have been to my facebook page a few times.  Not real into it.  Maybe it is just me but at night the LAST thing I want to do is be any where near a computer.